Saturday, November 2, 2013

How do I study and stay focused?

     Today I have quite a bit of homework to get done. Unfortunately it's one of those days where I just don't feel like doing anything. Focusing seems almost impossible. I feel a little stressed out and anxious so that doesn't help. I've been trying to find some ways to keep calm and focused.  I do know that having a quiet area with proper lighting is a must. Also keeping your work area clean and organized is very important. You have to like your desk area. I need to work on this! I know that a lot of people who either have roommates or still live at home probably have their desk/office area in their room so it's not like it is an impossible idea. I hate it though. I like having a separate space or room for my desk. With where I'm living I don't have that option. I might take pictures of what my desk space looks like after I do some organizing and what not. I might do some research on how to create a good study environment. Maybe I'll do a post and share what I discover. Stay posted! If anyone has any study tips to help with focusing on school work please let me know.

Talk to you all later,

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