Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I am a Writer.

     Starting this blog has really allowed me to see the potential I have. It is insanely awesome the things that people can achieve now days with the technology of the internet. We have so many options and opportunities. There are so many ways to put yourself and your ideas out there. The internet has allowed for people all over the world to share their thoughts, ideas and create their own success.

     The one thing I have learned so far from this blog is that before you put an idea out there you should have a plan. I will tell you that it took a bit of trial, error and serious brainstorming. I have had this blog for about 6 months and it is just recently that I realized where I was going with this.

     This blog is about my life as a student, a traveler, a fitness junkie and anything else that I like or do. I want to be able to share my stories and what I'm passionate about. Why? Because the internet has given me the opportunity to write and connect with others; to improve and showcase my writing. I want to ultimately connect with people from all over the world with similar interests, ideas and even create friendships.

     Let me not get ahead of myself, because let's be honest I'm just one person with a small blog that hardly gets noticed. I have come to terms with the fact that I have to just put my writing out there, even if nobody sees it. Which I really hope you do! I just have the confidence that eventually this blog is going to get noticed and go somewhere.

     This blog initially was about losing weight, being fit, and seeing the world. That has not changed but I do have a little more direction now.  This blog is also about being a college student, working towards my dream job, being healthy and living happily as the ultimate goal. I hope to meet new people with similar interests and also improve my writing skills along the way. I hope I can post up things that are funny, awesome and or interesting for any of you potential readers. If you like what you see don't hesitate to follow me on Google+, Instagram, Twitter and of course subscribe to this blog.

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